As business owners we all have the tendency to overcomplicate our businesses and this can be a mistake.

Business is not that complicated, it is us that makes it complicated. In the end you find people who would like to buy your product or service, you deliver that product or service, the customer pays you, you pay your bills and make your profit and then you repeat this all again. It’s not that hard, but it is us that makes it hard.

The best businesses, the most profitable businesses that work with the least input from you are generally the simplest businesses. They may not be sexy, they may not be cool, but they work and they work well.

Go back and understand the basics of your business and what you need to do to increase your profits. Understand the theories and principles behind marketing and sales, your operations and finance. Know what works and what doesn’t work in your business. Don’t get bored and then try and complicate your business. The simpler your business is the better.

Do you know the basic principles around how to increase your profit? Do you understand how to manage your time? Do you understand how to find your ideal customers? Do you understand the basics in selling?

As a franchisee, revisit what you learnt at your initial franchise training. I’d say 99% of everything you need to know and understand for your business will be right there in that training.

stackedpaperback_893x812My only plug in this book, but I do have an online course called Profitable Franchisees if you are interested in getting back to basics and making more profit in your business. Check it out if you are interested at my website under the products page.

Get back to business basics and look for ways to simplify your business rather than complicate it and watch your profits grow and your stress levels and time spent on/in the business reduce.

If you have loved this tip and want more, then check out the book ‘101 Tips for Franchisees’. Available now from Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats. CLICK HERE to get it today!

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