When will I know if the time is right to hire a new staff member?
The old saying goes that there is never a right time, but to me that also means there is never a wrong time either. I have a rule of thumb to work to when timing the hiring of a new staff member. You will only know this when you realise that you need more help. Things...
Tip # 54 – Regular Team Training
Do it. Do I need to say any more? Ok, I will. Your staff needs to have regular training. Things that are new, things that are old, things that they do or things that they don’t do. Make it a positive experience and show them that you want them to feel confident in...
Franchisees are people too
One of the common things that happens in a franchise, is that franchisees become a part of the system, they are just numbers in the system. No one does this with the wrong intention it is just something that happens. In my ‘previous life’ when I was a Radiographer...
Ask for the sale
Sales & Marketing – know the difference
In small business, we often ‘lump’ sales and marketing into the same bucket. This is actually a problem because they are not one role, they are two separate roles with two separate outcomes. If you speak to anyone that has worked in a large corporate company that had...
Follow Up!
Questions to ask before you start a marketing campaign
I get asked a lot about whether or not a business owner should do a certain marketing campaign. I get them to ask a couple of questions to decide if a marketing campaign will be worth implementing. Question #1 The first questions I get them to ask is ‘If I implement...
Allow Success
Why Franchisees should always attend conference
I’m always amazed when a franchisee tells me that they don’t think they will go to conference. Excuses can range from I’m too busy to I just can’t afford to go. In my mind, this is complete insanity. The reason is that I don’t think people – franchisees – understand...