Happy New Year!

At this time of year, as I live on the Gold Coast, I’m often down at the beach.

Now as all Australians would know, the message at the beach is always to ‘Swim between the Flags’.  For those non-Australians, on the beach the Surf Lifesavers put out two red and yellow flags to denote the area of the beach that is safe to swim from and where they will be patrolling.

So unless you are really not all that smart (or a highly trained swimmer), you should always swim between the flags because not only is it patrolled, but people highly qualified can find the safest places to swim so that you don’t get sucked out to sea in a rip.

This is a great analogy for business – to swim between the flags.

Firstly, if you are swimming between the flag, then the area is patrolled.  Much like working with a coach or if you are a franchisee, having your franchisor on hand.  As a coach, if you are in between the ‘flags’ of my patrolling area, then I can keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t drown.  If you are not between the flags, then how can I help you.  Franchisees, if you are not sticking to the system, then how can the franchisor help you if you get into trouble?

If you are between the flags, then if you do get into trouble, you need to raise your hand in the air so that you can alert the lifesavers that you need some assistance.  Same thing in business, ask for help.

Why is it that business owners fail to ask for help?  Would you not raise your hand in the surf if you were in trouble, or would you be too embarrassed to raise your hand to alert the lifeguards that you need help?  That is silly isn’t it, because it could be potentially life or death to not raise your hand in the surf, but guess what…. It could potentially be a matter of life or death for your business if you don’t ask for help.

So at this time of year, when we are heading to the beach in summer, remember to swim between the flags and then also, at this time of year, the start of a new calendar year in your business, remember to ‘swim between the flags’ in business and always, always raise your hand if you need help or even just a little assistance.