We are almost at the end of January already…. Time flies right.  In Australia, we often joke that we don’t ‘wake up’ and come out of holidays (our summer) until Australia Day (Jan 26th later this week) so with that in mind, I thought I’d bring to you my top 3 tips for Franchisees to focus on for 2019.

This was not just 3 things I dreamt up in a moments notice, it is from working with and observing franchisees for the last 14 years and in particular my list has come from what I observed and helped franchisees with in 2018.

Let’s get started….

  1. Back to Basics

With more technology, more information, more social media and with the Franchising sector become more mature, I have noticed that a lot of franchisees, in particular, longer term franchisees that have been going for some time, have forgotten to always go back to basics, follow the system, realise that doing the basics well and consistently, will bring more to their business than the latest wiz bang idea.

It is so easy to become bored I suppose I would say with the basics of your business, yet it is the thing that is essential to growing your business.

It doesn’t mean you can’t be inventive or try something new, as long as it stems from the basics.  Start from there, like the root system of a tree and then grow upwards, but everything you do should be connected to that basic root system.

  1. Become More Social Media Savvy

It’s not going away…. More and more people are joining and using social media everyday…. You can no longer ignore it!

It is not a great idea to simply say ‘I don’t do Facebook’ in business anymore or ‘Who has time for social media anyway?’

If we look at tip 1 about going back to basics and looking at the ‘root system’ and where did something stem from, well social media is just a modern day form of old school, face to face networking (and you should still be doing that too!), it is the modern day form of putting an ad in the paper – just to a more targeted reader than a newspaper.

Now don’t get me wrong, you should absolutely not be spending 100% of your time on social media or get distracted by it.  Understand the purpose and understand your goals and what you need to do and then execute on your to do list.  You don’t have to be on all the platforms – choose one and do it well rather than be on all and do nothing with it (a bit like my Twitter account that I keep meaning to delete!!).

If you don’t know how to do it or what are the best strategies on social media, when do I use organic posting compared to paid ads and why is engagement so important, then LEARN!  Or maybe do tip 3…..

  1. Ask for help

This was really noticeable to me in 2018.  Franchisees were holding back from asking for help in the fear that they would look like they didn’t know what they were doing.  Even the Franchisees that are longer term had questions, but avoided asking them.

It is the number one fault of most Franchisees (OK, business owners, heck human beings!) and that is we don’t simply ask for help.

I have a great way to ask for help that will make it easier for you and should also get a better answer too….

Never ask for help with a problem, without presenting a solution as well.

What does that mean?

Let’s use a really simple example that you need to choose between a blue and a red pen to write on a specific document – super simple example.  You are not sure which to use.

Option 1:  Just ask for help by simply saying ‘I have to write on this document, should I use a blue or red pen?’

Option 2:  Ask for help with a solution by saying ‘I have to write on this document and I thought I would do it in red pen because then it will stand out.  Do you think that is the right option or alternatively, I could write in blue?’

I know option 2 is a bit wordy, but remember that this is an ultra-simple example.  Can you see though that if you use option 2 to ask for help, there will be a couple of outcomes.

Response 1 could be something like ‘I’d actually  use a blue pen because it is a bit more professional for that type of document.  Red is a bit like you are yelling at them or correcting them on the document.’

Now doesn’t that feel better.  You have asked for help, got the answer without feeling like you are stupid for not knowing the answer, but also had the opportunity to learn.

Response 2 could be something like ‘Yes, I’d use the red pen as well.’

So you choose the right solution and therefore this increases your CONFIDENCE because you knew the answer, so the next time you need to make a decision, you will have a little more confidence.

And if you haven’t worked out already, you should be getting your team or staff to be coming to you with solutions not questions as well !  Even Franchisors, are your franchisees coming just with questions or are they coming with questions and a possible solution as well?

Everyone needs to ask for help.

I hope that these three quick tips will help you get your 2019 off on the right foot and that 2019 will be your best year yet!


PS.  If you haven’t already, why not check out my free quick guides and workbooks – you can find them on the home page of my website at www.traceyleak.com !