When I speak at large franchise conferences and there are more than one or two hundred people in the room, it is hard to find activities that will allow the audience to participate, rather than just listen to a presentation, but I have one activity that I love that I think will help you here too.

What I do is I ask everyone to start clapping.  However they want.  Loud, quiet, fast, slow, whatever.

So basically, there is all this random clapping going on.  I then simple stand on stage and start to clap in a slow, but very steady beat.  Clap… Clap… Clap….Clap…

Within about 10 seconds, everyone is clapping in time with me, without me even asking them to do it.

I then tell them the lesson behind the activity and I’m going to tell you too.

When we start in business, it is all over the place, a bit like the clapping everyone was doing.  You don’t know up from down and you are randomly clapping.

Then, all of a sudden you hear or fell a rhythmic beat … Clap… Clap… Clap… Clap…

And you start to clap in time and it feels easy, natural.  You could keep on clapping all day at this beat.

It is the same thing in business.  You all of a sudden fall into a nice, easy, natural, rhythmic beat in your business.

So if you are feeling all over the place in your business, just slow down a fraction and find your beat.  Everyone’s beat is slightly different, but allow it to happen.  It will take a moment or two to find it, but you will find it.

As a note, 10 seconds of clapping on stage to get a room full of people clapping in time is – in my experience – about the same as a business owner taking 3 months to find their own beat.


PS.  If you haven’t already, why not check out my free quick guides and workbooks – you can find them on the home page of my website at www.traceyleak.com !