To often I see franchisees start their brand new franchise business with huge excitement and anticipation to only find them about 3 or 4 months later totally deflated.

Why is this?

Well, generally it is because they have unrealistic expectations of what it takes to build a business and the time required to build up a business.

I always say, business is a marathon, not a sprint.

You don’t start running a marathon on full sprint and then get one mile into the marathon and wonder why you can’t keep up a sprinting pace, right?

It takes time so it isn’t about turning down your enthusiasm when you start, it is just realising that it will take some time to build your business.

In reality, it takes at least 90 days to see if a marketing strategy is working, it takes 90 days to build up momentum in a business.

The reason why so many new franchisees start to feel deflated at month 3 or 4 or even month 5 is that they are doing the work, but not yet seeing the results, which can be hard at any time in your business.

I call this the ‘hang on’ phase.  Keep doing the work, because the results are just around the corner.  Don’t feel deflated and then stop the activity.  This is the time to double down and do even more in your business, because before you know it, the results will begin to show and you will get your ‘second wind’ and jump to the next level.

Plan for the long term in your franchise business.


PS. If you haven’t already, why not check out my free quick guides and workbooks – you can find them on the home page of my website at !