Time to Goal Set with your Franchisees
It is that time of year again when it is an ideal time to set goals with your franchisees! End of financial year is the perfect time to set up plans for the next financial year for franchisees. What do they want to make in profit? What sales do they need to make...
Go Local with Social Media
In this world of the internet and social media, it is easier than ever to connect with people all over the world, but if you are doing your social media to help with the branding and marketing of your business, then maybe global domination is what you are really...
Get Franchisees Organised with their Social Media
Although the internet, Google, Facebook, etc have been in our lives for quite some time now, I still find that franchisees are often reluctant or hesitant to fully utilise the power of the internet and social media to market their business. Whether it be that they...
Always be learning.
Have you heard that saying that if you are not growing, then you are dying? Well that is the case in business. You need to be continually learning so that your business is growing, not dying. When I say this, I often have franchisees or business owners say to me,...
Got Struggling Franchisees?
You are not alone. In fact, EVERY franchisor has struggling franchisees, it is just a matter of how many and what they classify as struggling. In fact, about 10% of your franchisees should be in your category of ‘struggling franchisees’ because no matter what, if you...
The best and worst thing about a franchise
I believe that there is one thing that is the best thing about a franchise. That is, as a franchisee you can see what all the other franchisees are doing and you can talk to all the other franchisees. That being said, there is one thing that I think is the worst...
Are you being a coach or a cop with your franchisees?
Today’s blog is pretty short because I just have this simple question to ask you…. Are you (or your support team) being the COACH or the COP with your franchisees? What do I mean by this. If you are being the COP, then it is all about policing your franchisees. You...
Franchisors: Pretend your National Marketing Fund has very little money…
Speak to any Franchisor that is the founder of the franchise and they can tell you story after story of how many times they have run their business on the smell of an oily rag! The number of times they have had to get totally scrappy and pull things together, work...
Franchisors: Who is your customer really?
This is a question I ask many franchisors because franchising is a bit of a different business model and it is easy to get confused on who you should be focussing on. The customer of a brand is usually the end user – for example, a café franchise’s end customer is the...