Working from home can be a juggle and something that at first glance seems like it would be great, fun and EASY…. but…. There is an art form to getting it all together together.

​I’ve worked from home for about 15 years now and it is simply second nature to me to be able to work and live in the one space… in fact I’ve even advanced to a point where I have my desk in my living room because it has the best light.  This is like ninja skill working from home because not only is it easy to get distracted NOT to work, it is just as easy to get distracted TO work!

Yes, many people believe that working from home is all about learning to work and not be distracted by things going on in the house or by household chores or even the TV, but I think that the actual bigger thing you need to learn is that when you are not working, don’t work!

It is so easy to sit down at your desk on a Sunday morning with the intention of just a quick check of your emails and much like watching a YouTube video, before you know it you are watching cat videos.  Same thing with checking some emails… before you know it, it is 4pm in the afternoon and you have been working all day.

Now, I have no issue with working on a Sunday, but if you were not supposed to be working, it was supposed to be an ‘off’ or rest day, then that is where the problem ends up.

So there is a tip for you before I even begin my 5 tips…. When you are working – work!  Don’t do the laundry, don’t watch TV, don’t be baking a cake, work.  Just as if you were in an office environment, you wouldn’t put a load of washing on before a meeting right?  So don’t do it at home until you have mastered working from home.  For a start, be very strict with yourself.  Once you have got to the ‘black belt, ninja working from home skills’ keep to work only tasks.

Then, when you are NOT working, don’t work!  Don’t check emails, don’t open your computer, don’t just think ‘Oh, I’ll just go to my desk and write down a few ideas’.  If you wouldn’t get in your car and ‘pop into the office’ then don’t do it at home.  Again, until you build up your working from home ‘muscles’, if not working, don’t work.

So let’s go to my 5 tips for working from home.  What is Tip number one?  Click Next and find out more….

Next …. Tip #1 (Click Here)