Not Negotiable Time
Time management is a big question I get asked all of the time. How do I take control of my time? How do I stop being so busy? I don’t have any spare time? I’m exhausted? I don’t have time to get everything done? These are all common questions. There are many, many...
How selling franchises has changed…
In the past when a prospect was looking into joining a franchise group, they would have to call the franchise directly or give their details to gain an information pack. It was that you could only gather more information as a prospect if you contacted the franchise...
Why do half of all Australian franchise groups have LESS than 19 franchisees?
This figure really shocked and surprised me when I first saw it in a set of statistics from Griffith University. The median number of franchisees for Australian franchise groups is just 19 franchisees! Now the reason this shocked me was that from my experience most...
Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2016! Today, I’m not going to do one of those posts that most coaches do. You know the ones – Be the best you can be! Make 2016 your winning year! Kick off the 2016 with a bang! If you fail to plan for 2016, then you planning to fail! We’ve all seen those,...
Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to take a moment to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! I’d have to say that Christmas has always had a special place in my life. Getting together with my family and sharing the joy. I LOVE giving presents and this is the time of the year...
A-Z Book
Skills in Business
One of the most frequently asked questions I get is ‘How do I be a better ……’ and then fill in the blank, usually with marketer or salesperson or some other role of the business. The first thing I think you should realise is that when you ask this type of thing – to...
Congratulations FCF Fire & Electrical – Next Gen International Competition Winner
Proud Mother Hen time again! Last week, Jacob Foster, Franchisor at FCF Fire & Electrical was named a winner of the Next Generation in Franchising winner. The Next Gen competition is an international competition where just 20 people are selected to attend the...
New Workshop for 6th and 7th February, 2016
I’m really excited to get back into doing some live workshops. I’ve been so busy over the last few years working with clients, doing franchise trainings and conferences, that I haven’t put on my own workshop in what seems like ages! This workshop came about from a...