Tip #39 – Add value, don’t discount
When a business owner - franchisee or not - is looking to do a sale or some sort of promotion or offer something through their marketing efforts, their first thought is to discount. There are two reason why I don’t suggest this as the optimal strategy. The first...
Tip #95 – Getting Testimonials
Every franchisee could be doing this better. The reason that getting testimonials is not something that most franchisees excel at is because firstly they simply don’t ask for them and secondly, when they do ask for them, they don’t know how to ask. With everything, I...
Tip #4 – What three things . . .
This is a question I ask franchisees when I first sit with them if they have been in business for some time. I simply ask them ‘What are the three things that you used to do, that worked, that for whatever reason you have stopped doing?’ These can be marketing...
Every Hour
Tip # 90 – Stick to the System
This is an analogy I use a lot in franchise training because this is probably the biggest mistake that franchisees make. Every franchisee will make this mistake at some time in their business and it is the biggest issue with franchising - sticking to the system....
Excitement vs Passion
Many people confuse excitement and passion, especially in terms to do with their business. I think of excitement a bit more like a match. You strike the match and you get a flame, but eventually and fairly quickly you will run out of fuel to keep the flame burning as...
Head Office Team
Cross Train
Is this the best use of my time?
A quick and easy way to increase your productivity is to set a timer to go off during the day. Some of my clients will set it to go off every hour, whilst others might have it set to go off just two or three times in the day. When the alarm sounds, simply stop for one...