Tip #87 – Believe in yourself and the system

Tip #87 – Believe in yourself and the system

Belief is one of those words thrown around that can seem a bit ‘airy fairy’ but it is vital to your business.  Belief is not knowing everything.  That’s impossible.  Belief is understanding who you are and what you do and having the confidence in that. Believe that...
Tip #14 – Watch your health

Tip #14 – Watch your health

As a business owner, you need to watch your health.  Making sure you have regular sleep, eat well, drinking plenty of water and exercise.  I know first hand what can happen if you don’t look after your health. It is so easy to get caught up in your business and get...
Tip #68 – Set a timer

Tip #68 – Set a timer

Do you find that most days, your time is just slipping through your fingers?  You get to the end of the day and firstly don’t know where the time in the day has gone, but secondly, you don’t know what you have achieved in that time and it in fact feels like you didn’t...
Tip #31 – Have an exit strategy

Tip #31 – Have an exit strategy

Every business owner should have an exit strategy set in place in their business from day one.  I know that right now you might be thinking that you love your business and you want it forever.  You are never going to exit it.  Or you might be thinking that it is years...
Tip #38 – Be confident

Tip #38 – Be confident

Many franchisees are simply not confident, especially with the opportunity they have in their hands with their business.  What I see that stops many franchisees is that they are fearful of being overly confident and things not working out or that if they are too...