by Tracey Leak | Mar 6, 2018 | 101 Tips, Business Simplified, Time Management
How often do you say ‘I don’t have enough time?’ or ‘I have too much to do?’ or ‘Where did the time go?’ In more than a decade of coaching, I’ve never sat with a business owner that has complained that they have too much time! I have sat with many (if not all)...
by Tracey Leak | Feb 27, 2018 | 101 Tips, Business Building, Business Simplified, Sales
Stop and think for a moment…. Think of the ‘TYPICAL’ salesperson? Who was it that you immediately thought of? Let me guess…. Used car saleperson, real estate sales person, door to door sales, insurance sales, TV infomercial salesperson? These are the most...
by Tracey Leak | Feb 20, 2018 | 101 Tips, Business Building, Business Simplified, Marketing
This is probably the biggest mistake in definition that I see many business owners make. They believe that when we start talking marketing, they think we are talking about advertising. I believe that marketing is all about attracting clients to your business, not...
by Tracey Leak | Feb 13, 2018 | 101 Tips, Business Simplified, Personal Development, Tracey's Thoughts
Success is a funny thing… Just talking about this topic can bring out the best in people, but it can also leave many left wondering and questioning themselves. The whole point of this program is to SIMPILFY and I think that success is absolutely something we need to...
by Tracey Leak | Feb 6, 2018 | 101 Tips, Business Building, Business Simplified
It doesn’t matter at what stage you are in your business, this exercise of knowing your numbers is vitally important for EVERY business owner. For business owners that are newer to business, this will help you to grow your business and keep you accountable to doing...