by Tracey Leak | Feb 11, 2019 | 101 Tips, Franchise, Tracey's Thoughts
So you have a teenager. You have told this teenager an important tip, idea, piece of information, say like one hundred times before and then a friend tells them this same piece of information just once and it is like your teenager has seen the light and that this is...
by Tracey Leak | Feb 4, 2019 | 101 Tips, Articles, Franchise, Personal Development, Tracey's Thoughts
At this time of year, franchise business owners are setting goals, making New Year’s resolution and the challenge is, that come February, most of these goals and resolutions have been put to the side. Why is that? I don’t think it is because franchise business owners...
by Tracey Leak | Jan 28, 2019 | 101 Tips, Articles, Franchise, Tracey's Thoughts
Last week I wrote a blog post on my Top 3 Tips for Franchisees for 2019 and it had great feedback so I thought this week, why not do my Top 3 Tips for FRANCHISORS for 2019? So here they are….. Focus on Profitability It is very easy to focus on revenue with...
by Tracey Leak | Jan 21, 2019 | Articles, Business Building, Franchise, Tracey's Thoughts
We are almost at the end of January already…. Time flies right. In Australia, we often joke that we don’t ‘wake up’ and come out of holidays (our summer) until Australia Day (Jan 26th later this week) so with that in mind, I thought I’d bring to you my top 3 tips for...
by Tracey Leak | Jan 14, 2019 | Articles, Personal Development, Tracey's Thoughts
Happy New Year! At this time of year, as I live on the Gold Coast, I’m often down at the beach. Now as all Australians would know, the message at the beach is always to ‘Swim between the Flags’. For those non-Australians, on the beach the Surf Lifesavers put out two...